Amazing what a difference a few days can make.
Last Tuesday, my 80 something mother-in-law babysat for us for a couple of hours so we could go to a parent teacher meeting at my son's school.
Just four days later, she wound up in the emergency room of our local hospital. She had fallen in her kitchen and broke her right wrist. She is right-handed, so this was painful and awkward, to say the least. She needed surgery on Sunday, and now has a bandage tighthly woven on her arm/wrist and has to keep it in a cumbersome foam device so that the hand can be elevated...and sleep in it. And, she's already not a great sleeper, so this doesn't help.
Since she lives alone, we offered to have her come stay with us for a couple of nights.
Life is so hugely unpredictable. From one moment to the next, we don't know what is in store. The good. The bad. The challenging. The gray. Etc.
When I was driving home from the gym last night, I found myself thinking about how quickly things can happen. In a flash, my mother in law tripped over her slippers and that was that. She was kicking herself afterwards, but the damage was done.
These things happen. Accidents arise quickly.
You just never know what lies around the corner.
Life has many ups 'n downs, and largely, it's how you react to them.
I've always been someone who relishes control, even though I realize more 'n more how little of it we have. We can control decisions but not the outcomes.
If life always went completely smoothly, without any bumps or bruises along the way, then I guess we wouldn't fully appreciate the good or realize how fortunate we are. It's so easy to take things for granted, especially when it comes to your health.
As I see my mother-in-law struggle to use her left hand, it makes me all the more grateful to have the use of my arms and legs. I realize not everyone does. And, to be able to get around and function on the most simplistic typing this blog post right now.
I find myself stepping carefully around my home now. I was quick to wipe up a water spill in the kitchen.
I'm going to do what I can to practice saftely in the home, and that's a good place to start.
Happy, healthy & safe holidays to you & your family. And, check out our new social networking communities for beyondthestuff on and Come join us there!
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