Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Stuff! by Mary

I’m energized. I’m charged! I feel like an electric volt is running through my body as though I’m connected to a creative genius somewhere and they’re feeding me idea after idea after idea.

My enthusiasm is bubbling over. I have no time for drama or anything that is going to bring me down off this cloud.. why, I almost.. feel.. like KELLY BROWN!!!

(Kelly is always up and a great source of inspiration to me!)

But its just so exciting to be working in this space right now. I’m effective, I’m clear, and I’m getting so much done. I’m being productive in every aspect of my life, as if fulfilling a mission on this earth that has a certain time limit. Everyone I come across is getting a bucket of enthusiasm coming their way, because I can’t contain it right now.. it’s the spirit within me expressing joy.
Okay, I really DO sound like Kelly now!! Kelly, soon the world is going to know this as “The Kelly Syndrome!”

But honestly, I am so happy that its happening! I used to have this when I was promoting certain speakers that inspired me personally. When I learned “who” they were about… I could go to my office and make 100 phone calls to all of the colleges across the united states that I worked with and would tell them about this ONE speaker who had ROCKED my world.. and that they absolutely HAD to consider booking this person. When this happened.. and it didn’t happen all the time, then basically, no one could turn me down. It became a bidding contest to see who could book the speakers schedule first. That enthusiasm would inspire people to take action and run to their bosses to get the decision made to book the speaker I suggested.

For instance, when I met Bobby Kennedy Jr, , he came to the office and I went to the lobby to shake his hand. Being a conservative most of my life, I wasn’t “blown away” by the Kennedy name so I confidently shook his hand. But when I SHOOK his hand.. his hand SHOOK ME! I felt a bolt of electricity run through me that was like OH My gosh.. this person HAS something! He looked me in the eyes and was so sincere, and as I spent more and more time with him, I came to understand that the electric charge that ran into me… was the PASSION that Bobby had bubbling out of HIM for the environment and for teaching people about the environment!

So after I met him and developed my little 5 minute crush, I went to the phones and basically called my top clients and told them. I promise you this: “You HAVE to book him. Do whatever you can to get your “offer” in, because I WILL book his whole schedule for the year.. THIS WEEK.” And I did. It was Friday night on the last day that I worked at Keppler Speakers, and the offers were still coming in, and I did what I said I’d do. I booked his WHOLE year full of dates.. in one week!

So HIS passion, inspired Me to take ACTION which allowed thousands of people across the US to be able to be further inspired by a man dedicated to his cause. According to the dictionary, Inspiration means: “Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.” And that is exactly what happened to me.

Why has it happened to me? I’m becoming more and more clear of my purpose in the world, to inspire people to live “Beyond their Stuff” and to be able to live with love and with health as they go about on their journey.

I also believe that being a part of a team like the BTS gals, who share their ideas, their thoughts, and even their dislikes nearly every day, continues to rub that creative spark that I have boiling in my own mind and body.

I believe that creative expression in the world is going to start happening at a faster and faster rate. Along with the stress that some people will feel, are the other people who understand how friction can create the genius to come out in all of us.

I choose to go the route of inspiration, creativity and joy… How about you? What do you choose?

1 comment:

Kelly K. Brown said...

Mary! I always love your passion and enthusiasm... it will take you anywhere and everywhere, of that I am absolutely certain!

btw... what a lovely thing to say! If I only ever get to touch one person (and if it was YOU!)that would be enough for me... just to know I made a small difference that moved someone closer to their true destiny in life!

So Much Love For YOU Mary!

Kelly :-)