Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Power of Positive Friends & Stuff! by Mary

Today was the podcast of our BTS gals, and as usual, it was full of great conversation and excitement for each others’ projects and for all of the amazing miracles that continue to happen in all of our lives. Although Robin is ready for the snow to be over in NY, Leslie was ready to get out and make snow angles once again and is having fun playing in it. Liimu was running her kids to school late because of the snow in Philly, and Kelly was joyful as usual… so all of us had our “thing” that we chatted about today. I was thrilled because I had a big “share” that has taken place over the past week, and it’s very, very cool to think about how awesome the power of intention is coupled with belief, for what you want!

Leslie shared an amazing letter from a very close relative that described the power of synchronicity and how she had been used in this person’s life. They wrote a very eloquent letter that described little hunches they got or messages they kept receiving to follow on a particular path. What an incredible story, and it made us realize, that all of us, if we just followed our heart and our hunches, would get along a lot better and we can do it without all of the worry that seems to develop when we’re unsure of what to do. Each one of us then talked about events in our life and whether or not we should push or NOT push, and ultimately, it all came down to – if you get an idea.. you should really LISTEN to it and follow through if it makes sense, and then when its time to take ACTION, you can’t sit idly by and not take action, you’ve got to do what you have to do.

I shared with the group that I’m using TEXTING to plug into Kelly’s positive energy whenever I need to. Its been very cool because she helps to keep me focused during the day when about 100 things are flying at me from every direction, and I’ve been able to bounce things off of her and get her read on the situation.

Within the past week, I’ve decided to intentionally pray for and visualize and believe for a money miracle, and so I literally just “cast the financial burden away” and let my spirits be lifted by KNOWING, that I would be taken care of. I also realized, in no uncertain terms that I’ve certainly been through many difficult times, financially or otherwise, and that no matter what happened, that I would be fine. That thought alone gave me a lift.

So within the past week, three individuals have been in touch with me to promote them on the lecture circuit.. a profession that I have not been in full time for about 15 years! How bizarre is that? And not only that, they’re very cool and different types of performers. One is a Barak Obama one man show, and one is a Sarah Palin impersonator, who I loved The Black actor has been a long time friend and former client- Darryl Van Leer, and the Sarah impersonator is a new friend, but a soul sister of sorts! We hit it off immediately and I just would love to spend more time with her and hopefully we’ll be working together. The other speaker has material on the way and I’m not sure how to describe him yet. The other thing that happened is that I have a potential new client.. from the UK. This person found me today on the WEB.. so I was pretty psyched about that.

So now I’m facing an uncertain future about WHAT I’ll be doing, only that I will be doing promotion of some kind. I’ve realized that I get a charge out of promotion and my brain becomes overrun with exciting ideas for the programs or products that I’m promoting. I’m not “attached” to the what or the how.. just that there WILL be money flowing in – in new directions.

One of my best friends has offered to treat me to a weekend in New Orleans for Marti Gras, so that’s another “gift”… and I’m just still believing that more is going to continue to filter in. It’s pretty cool to live this way, and to be able to just have the faith that it all will work out.

I was mentioning plugging into Kelly during the day to get her read on the situation. She’s very well versed on the law of attraction and watching it in her life. I’ve definitely seen the results of it in my life, but because I’m not always able to keep my brain in a positive state due to home pressures like getting ready for school and being crunched on time, but recently, by being able to plug into Kelly, I’ve been more able to stay positive when uncertainty or stressful situations hit.

This is also what the BTS gals do for me, and I’m certain, that over time, that these women will be a source of strength for many, many people. I’m happy to be united with this team of strong women, and hope that this message of unity and positive strength can be carried out into the world through us.

I’m feeling powerful today. Not because I’m powerful, but because God created a universe where there are certain laws, that if we abide by them, can work in our lives to create a life that is seamless and effortless. That’s the goal, and that’s what I hope to achieve, by getting, beyond my stuff!

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