Friday, January 9, 2009

Cold Stuff - by Robin

Had I known, I would have bought stock in Kleenex (the tissue company). Or, Lipton tea.

Just kidding....(or maybe I should explore it? Hmmmm....)

I'm referring to what feels like the longest running cold/virus in history. I have it. I've been drinking tea and blowing my nose for what feels like forever. And, I'm not alone. I know a number of people who are sick and having trouble shaking the various viral strains going around this winter. What fun!

I've been plagued with this for over a month now, and finally bit the bullet at the urging of two friends, and saw the ENT doctor who after gliding some tube down my nostril (not pleasant) , said something about a second set of tonsils I have. Who knew?! I had my first set out as a kid, I told him, thinking he was making some kind of mistake. He wasn't.....

Luckily he wasn't suggesting these come out, but I did require anbitiotic. Today is day 5..the final day...and I'll be glad to be done with it. It upset my stomach.

In general I'm still not feeling great. And, it's also that time of the month (if you know what I mean) it's like I've been hit with a double whammy, so to speak. It feels like so long since I've felt really good.

Yesterday it was getting me in a bit of a funk. I was missing my mom, since I was craving some nurturing. A couple of friends gave me a buzz, which was nice, and it felt like a "hug" on the phone, which I needed. I was feeling vulnerable and wanted to just curl up in bed.

I know "this too shall pass" (thankfully), as my beloved mom used to say, but I'm getting anxious.

I watched the Barbara Walters tv special the other night that focused on Patrick Swayze, the actor, and the fight of his life with pancreatic cancer. It was a tough thing to see before going to bed, and I probably shouldn't have, but it made me realize how important good health is and how we should try to practice it every day to the best of our ability. Sickness may still strike, but for example, Swayze is a smoker, and they said there is a link to pancreatic cancer from smoking.

We all have our vices, I realize, but we can try to help ourselves.

That said, I'm going to end this blog post, and go take my vitamins and drink more tea before my day gets away from me and I don't do it. It's so easy to get caught up in life. If we don't practice self care, it won't happen for us. So go to it! (I need another tissue.....) :)

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