Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Stuff - By Liimu

This past weekend, I spent with four of the most incredible women I have ever met. The Beyond the Stuff gals! Although we were together to solidify the foundation of a business we are jointly growing, what we achieved was beyond our wildest dreams - we developed a friendship with each other, a bond formed out of our shared hope that we might inspire others to become their best selves through our shared experience and ability to overcome hardship.

It was incredible. As I was driving to the airport, I was overcome with gratitude for where God has brought me in just under 2 years. Two years ago, I was trapped in a dead-end job, unable to sleep for the horrible nightmares that used to plague me when I closed my eyes, skin plagued with acne, never feeling like I was able to give enough to my family, to myself, to the world. Unsure of what my purpose was in life, other than to stay sober.

Over the past 18 months, I have received message after message from the Universe that I have a special gift to share with the world - my voice. Through singing, writing, speaking - I can carry the message that God can transform fear into faith, love and hope. That anyone can have a life worth living, a life of joy and freedom.

So there I was, driving up Route 17 and all of a sudden, tears of joy started falling down my cheeks and I was sobbing and laughing, wiping my eyes furiously so I wouldn't crash! I was singing Journey's "Faithfully" at the top of my lungs, realizing that I would be forever faithful to God, no matter what.

I don't consider myself to be a particularly religious person. In fact yesterday, I was talking to a pastor of a local church, telling him about the gospel CD I intend to record this year, about the book I fully expect will get published and will encourage others to live their lives out loud, about our upcoming talk show and how we hope to uplift people who are struggling more than they ever have in their lives in these uncertain times. All he kept asking me was, "What church do you belong to? What church do you belong to?" Well, I don't belong to a church. But I pray every day, all day. And I am part of a spiritual fellowship, through which I have been doing service to my community for years. I am one of the most faithful, devoted, God-centered people I know, but no, I don't belong to a church.

I belong to God.

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