Friday, December 26, 2008

Silent "Night" Stuff (& New Year's) - by Robin

Friends are asking me this week, what are you doing for New Year's Eve?

I don't celebrate Christmas, and we're already in the throes of Hanukkah.

So, next up is the coming of 2009. (Wow...time goes fast!)

When I was single, I typically felt compelled to have plans. And, they were the type of plans that promoted socializing. Since my hope to was to one day get married (which I did), then staying home wasn't high on the list I allowed myself to have.

I recall one year, in particular, where all I wanted to do was stay home and relax, but I forced myself to go to a party with a friend, and it turned out to be a total bust. I was later mad at myself for not granting myself permission to chill and practice self care.

Another year, I recall going to see THE COLOR PURPLE in the movie theatre with my folks. (My mom has since passed away.) And, I was so totally moved by it and adored Whoopi Goldberg. It was such a cool film to see on New Year's Eve, and to this day, the memory of it sticks with me.

Not just did I love the film, and spending quality time with my parents, but I allowed myself to be true to what was calling out to me. Rather than hustle to go to a random party or singles event, I enjoyed the moment and gave into what I most wanted to do. And, that made it special.

It's so easy to get swayed by others and even our own thoughts. I am great at telling myself what I SHOULD be doing vs. listening to my inner voice that might have others plans that ultimately will have more meaning in the grand scheme of life. Does that mean I might have to live in the gray a bit? Sure. We can't always get things figured out or laid out for us in an orderly fashion when we want it.

That said, I sit in my home office, as I write this blog, wondering what the new year has in store. I look out my window onto the snowy streets of New York and realize that from day to day things change. Just a few days ago, there was no snow, and now things are white...beautiful...yet messy.

Life isn't always clean. And, we're in a constant state of flux. Accepting that can be liberating and exciting because cool things can be around the corner.

This year, I refuse to make resolutions. That puts too much pressure on me, and I need less stress in my life. But, I would like to put forth some positive thoughts and aspirations.

Mostly, I want to be happy and healthy. And, I wish the same for those I love...and for you.

I'd like to have less fear.

I'd like to surrender to the universe more and have the faith that good will come.

I'd like to believe that I have more strength than I acknowledge.

I'd like to trust that I am a good mom, friend, spouse, daughter, etc.

I'd like to continue to connect with those who can support and share, without judgment.

This is what comes to mind for now.

I don't think it's a lot to ask, because I know much of it is already within me if I can tune in to my inner wisdom.

I wish for you that you cultivate the power this coming year, if you don't already, to listen to what really calls out to you. And, you will hear it mostly loudly and clearly the more quiet you get. So, I wish you "silence" in 2009. You deserve it. G-d bless.

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