Friday, December 5, 2008

Keeping Track of Stuff -- by Robin

I'm away on a business/pleasure trip and had been making a list for some time re: things to go before I left, things to pack, things to remember upon my return, etc.

Friends and others make "fun" of a loving way...that I'm "so organized". It's funny. At times I actual wonder if I have a bit of an "anal" tendency, but then I decide it's not about that. Any, why put myself down for being detail-minded?

I create a system for myself, and it works most of the time.

My dad was over this past weekend, and saw me making notations already on a 2009 calendar. He commented that he doesn't do that. But, I have a 5 year old, I explained, and life can get busy. We do a lot of planning, and of course, things arise spontaneously as well. And, if for example, we get play tickets, you do purchase them in advance, and you sure don't want to forget when you are going, with the price of Broadway these days.

We booked my son's 5th birthday party for March and sent out the invitations this weekend. was planning way ahead...but lots of kids party places get so booked up, it's crazy. And, one of my friends already asked me when his party would be because she was making some plans.

Interestingly, I then, received an email from one of the moms who said we'd likely to have to remind invitees in February. That people will lose the invitation, forget about the party, etc.

This same mom asked about my experiences having a Blackberry. She wondered if she should get one. If I have found it to be helpful organization-wise.

Now you may be thinking I'm an organization pro, but truly, that is not the case. I have tons of piles of paperwork in my office that in a perfect world would be neatly filed away. But, it's how I work, and while I dislike clutter, I put up with it.

But, when it comes to my "to do list", if I don't write it down, it doesn't happen. I have piles of post-it pads that I use regularly, and I am known to carry my hard-covered daily planner with me. That way, I am always prepared if something arises that I need to schedule.

My trainer at the gym can never remember when we reschedule an appointment. Frankly, it's irritating. Is it a crime to have some semblance of organization? And, if you run a business, don't you need to? So, she always asks me to call and remind her re: a workout time, if it has changed. But, why is that my job? To pick up the slack for her because she doesn't have a system of remembering?

My dad is a CPA, and I think I inherited his detail-minded mind. And, I'm proud of it.

How do you live your life and keep track of things?

Do you feel justified in putting your "stuff" on others and asking them to call or write to remind you of things?

I'm curious to know your story.

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