Monday, December 29, 2008

Who am I? - by Liimu

I am in Orlando this week, enjoying some sunshine with my two eldest daughters and one of my oldest and dearest friends. I am also working my tushy off, trying to wrap up some projects that are ending soon, and trying to make sure I solidify work beginning in 2009. I'm also blogging like a good little Do-Bee, because my day is Monday and I don't want to let the group down. (Let's not even talk about the 8,000 e-mails that the BTS gals have been circulating around about logos, t-shirts, radio shows, talk shows, agents, and all the other amazing STUFF that the Universe has swirling around us as we get this project off the ground. Needless to say, I have NOT been on top of responding to those.)

As I struggle to stay on top of all that stuff, I'm also struggling to stay on top of all the other stuff that embodies who I am. I'm a recovering alcoholic - will I be able to get to a meeting? I have body image stuff, will I be able to get to the gym every day? (I did get there today...of course, then I had 3 pieces of pizza, but who's counting?) And of course, I'm a mom. Will I be able to get all the things in that my kids want? The mini golf? (Yes.) The swan paddle boats? (No.) The pool? (Yes.) Cafe Mickey? (Not without reservations 3 months in advance, thankyouverymuch.)

So, do I have to decide who I am? Do I have to pick the top three pieces of me to prioritize and just hang up the rest for the next vacation or for when it's all over? Or, do I continue to try my best to meet all the needs of the various areas of my life? For today, I'm okay with not doing everything perfectly, but trying to do the best I can in all areas.

Just for today, my clients are still my clients.
Just for today, my kids still love me and I still fit into size 12 jeans.
Just for today, a hot bath and a cup of sleepytime tea is still a better solution for my stress than a vodka gimlet.

I guess that will have to do...just for today.

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