Saturday, January 31, 2009
Being a Leader in Difficult Times - by Mary Gardner
Did that strike up a conversation! One of the women started complaining about being on a budget… I think for the first time in her life. Her husband keeps asking her where the money is going and she said, “groceries”. She didn’t have a budget before so she hasn’t curbed her spending.. and it was frustrating to the husband.
At that moment, she and I both said that everyone is having to cut down now.. and that everyone is having to change their habits. It was also a moment that I could have chimed in some inspirational quote, a piece of faith or cast a vision for the future, that isn’t the doom and gloom that the TV personalities are sharing, but a vision of hope, that we will be fine and we will survive the hard work we will put in to get us out of this recession.
So this morning, I’m searching for the perfect quote to memorize and share with those who I come in contact with throughout my days. And here are a few:
"It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever - the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it." Vince Lombardi
Tony Dorsett said:To succeed... you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.
Henry Kaiser said: “Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.”
Then after I say the quote.. I’ll listen to my own words, and then go put it to action!
This is how we stay a leader, in difficult times!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Dumping Ground Stuff - by Robin Gorman Newman
Unsettling because it felt draining. Empowering because if I can learn how to handle it, I'll cultivate an inner strength that I can put to good use.
Various people in my life shared their thoughts and negative energy with me, without my inviting it (or did I, unconsciously?). Hmmmm....
These are not women I'm particularly close with, but people who reached out to me to for a shoulder to lean on. On one hand, I try to be there for someone, but I find that I walk a fine line between offering support and being dragged down and depleted myself.
It was interesting because a close girlfriend of mine emailed me that she was annoyed at herself. She wanted to take the day off from work because she was sick, but instead made herself go to the office so she could be there for a client in need. You can probably guess what happened. The client didn't show up, and my friend was left kicking herself for not putting her own needs first. She swore she would never do that again.
Why is this so hard to do sometimes? To put ourselves first. And, be true to our inner voice that is screaming...."don't go there!" Is it that as women (not to exclude men) we do so much and feel the need to be there as caretaker for as many people as possible? And, where do you stop? The universe?
No wonder many of us, myself included, are just plain tired. It catches up with you emotionally and physically after continual practice.
So, how to change?
Well, I for one, want to better protect myself. I'm glad to listen to someone but not if they're constantly a taker. I'm not therapist to the world. It's not a role I've chosen to play. Maybe because I'm willing to give someone my ear, I can get taken advantage of. And, that leaves me feeling cold and exposed. I gave of myself, and was it truly appreciated?! I shouldn't be asking that question, should I? If I'm wondering, then why do it?! Right?
I'm going to work on letting people know that they're sharing too much information, or that I'm not in a position to comment...or however I feel I can most delicately handle a situation. No doubt, if they're sharing with me, they're sharing with others too. And, if I'm not in their close circle, then I become a third party objective voice. I understand that this can be beneficial, but not ultimately to me.
What do you do when you find someone is gravitating toward you and looks to you for advice, support, etc. and it's not someone you truly want to have in your life that way?
Whew! That's all a load off my mind....thanks for letting me share with you.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"But How Do You Do That?" By Kelly K. Brown

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.
-- Anwar al-Sadat
Recently, one of my dear, witty, funny, creative and well-informed friends sent me and many others an email very upset about the buyouts of pharmaceutical companies by other pharmaceutical companies, international bank cartels and some other recent newsworthy items all filled with angst, concern, worry about our future… indeed the future of our world as we know it. At the end of the email, he asked our opinion on any one or all of these topics.
Chances are you’ve received emails like this, been in similar conversations or saw something on the news that filled you with all these same type of ‘doomsday’ thoughts about those items, real estate, the economy or the latest business in town and how many people they laid off.
If you follow my articles or blogs (or know me in person), you already know that I won’t even for a moment allow my thoughts to go to a place where those thoughts can lead me to feelings that are anything BUT phenomenal for me and those around me. (Our Thoughts do become our reality… so I’m very, very careful about what my thoughts are at all times)
Remembering that YOU are NOT your thoughts… that YOU are the THINKER of your thoughts, is the fundamental truth behind all I’m saying and the quote above. That is the reason you have the natural ability to control what goes through your mind---most of us just forget because we are always so caught up in the emotions our thoughts have already created, its like a roller coaster that just never stops to let us off.
People often ask me quite sincerely, “But How Do You Do That?" How do you stop yourself from obsessing about all that is going on in the world? How do you control your thoughts with so much chaos in the world?”
To help you find a thought process that might work for you, I thought it would be interesting to share an excerpt of my email response to my friend… Enjoy!

Dear Friend:
One of the things about you I love most is your passion and interest in knowing so much about all that is going on in our world, and your willingness to express it!
Having said that, let me share my honest, yet predictable response to your question on these topics.
I think you are likely correct that something is up in all that---and my response will always be somewhat the same regardless of the latest drama going on in the world---no matter what it is.
My response is: be informed, notice what is going on and pay attention! Then, as quickly as possible where ANY unwanted circumstance is, NOW only focus on what you want to see as the perfect outcome. An outcome for the good of all of us!
Focusing, talking and expressing any energy about these situations other than that will only bring more into the world of what you seem to be saying you do not want!
I also, through my own experience, now know beyond any doubt that vibrational thought effort is far superior to physical effort (or fighting what I don't want) ever was or could be.
Unless one just likes the drama of it all...
I am going out on a limb to say I feel fairly certain many will respond to your email and the energy they express will be anger, frustration, worry, even fatalism that this is how the world is, this is where we are going--- all of which are extremely low energies--- and won't create the change we'd all like to see.
For me, I'll take your info and focus on some, Kelly Sunshine kinda thought about how the law of attraction will work this out Perfectly, Soon and with Relative ease!! ---using my ability to focus and vibrate at levels that bring about incredible miracles. I’ll think about how I’d like our world to move forward.
Imagine our world if it was filled with only those kind of thoughts and harmonious vibrations?

The point is this… we have more wars against more things in this world---all with the mistaken belief that fighting AGAINST something will bring about our desired solution… when the truth is: fighting against anything just brings MORE of it, because what we focus on EXPANDS… our thoughts become our reality!
We fight against cancer, the economy, starvation in other countries… we fight against everything. But what if we focused on a cancer cure is coming, the economy can do as it wishes and I will still prosper, mentally ‘seeing and believing’ there is enough food in the world to feed everyone and imagining how we could get it to those in need. Can you ‘feel’ how different just changing your thoughts to those type of ideas really feels inside you?
That is the Law of Attraction in Action my friend… by choosing thoughts that make you feel good, thoughts that are inspired by what you truly want to see in your personal life and the world, thoughts that literally FEEL GOOD.
That’s the answer you’ve been searching for! That’s EXACTLY "how you do it"—by thinking thoughts that feel better and then another thought that feels better… it really is as simple as that! Those are the kinds of thoughts that change the world!
Thinking incredibly good feeling thoughts for YOU!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You're Not the Boss of Me- by Mary Gardner and Eileen Gardner
January 25, 2009
Dedicated to Robin (who coined this saying "you're not the boss of me" and made us all laugh until we were crying... and the gals at Beyond The Stuff who have helped us all work together as a team.. thru the ups and downs and finally to find ourselves all coming back to our core... to just be who we are.. and to live each day as it comes.. to not push ... .but just to evolve as we are meant to and to show up authentically! Thank you for the call today ladies.. and thank you to Kelly who inspired us to get there.
You’re not the Boss of Me!
We’re meant for unity
Can’t you even see,
I’m doing what I gotta,
Busy as a bee
Surpassing what I oughta!
You’re not the boss of Me!
Let’s walk in unity!
I’m doing my “thang”
So many, many Thangs..
Trying to keep up,
In a world full of Bling…
You’re not the boss of me!
Let’s be in unity!
I got my work to do
Trying to learn some stuff too
So when do I find time
To even make a dime?
You’re not the boss of me!
Let’s work in unity!
If I try to do what’s right
I’ll never have a fight
But that ain’t always true
Because you don’t know all I do..
You’re not the boss of me!
Let’s talk in unity!
At times you want it done
Push me to the core….
That I’m looking for the door!
You’re not the boss of me!
Let’s live in unity!
We need time
Before we begin
To be recharged
by our spirit within!
You’re not the boss of me!
Let’s shine in unity!
So if you relax and
Try to stay calm
Answers will come
Like a healing Balm
You’re not the boss of me
Let’s love in unity!
Then you will see
That the Stuff that’s in me
Does not come
When you’re the boss of me.
You’re not the Boss of me
Let’s strive for unity!
So lets unite
And work as a team
And live our lives fully
Realizing our dream!
You’re not the boss of me..
Let us BE unity!
Creative Stuff! by Mary
My enthusiasm is bubbling over. I have no time for drama or anything that is going to bring me down off this cloud.. why, I almost.. feel.. like KELLY BROWN!!!
(Kelly is always up and a great source of inspiration to me!)
But its just so exciting to be working in this space right now. I’m effective, I’m clear, and I’m getting so much done. I’m being productive in every aspect of my life, as if fulfilling a mission on this earth that has a certain time limit. Everyone I come across is getting a bucket of enthusiasm coming their way, because I can’t contain it right now.. it’s the spirit within me expressing joy.
Okay, I really DO sound like Kelly now!! Kelly, soon the world is going to know this as “The Kelly Syndrome!”
But honestly, I am so happy that its happening! I used to have this when I was promoting certain speakers that inspired me personally. When I learned “who” they were about… I could go to my office and make 100 phone calls to all of the colleges across the united states that I worked with and would tell them about this ONE speaker who had ROCKED my world.. and that they absolutely HAD to consider booking this person. When this happened.. and it didn’t happen all the time, then basically, no one could turn me down. It became a bidding contest to see who could book the speakers schedule first. That enthusiasm would inspire people to take action and run to their bosses to get the decision made to book the speaker I suggested.
For instance, when I met Bobby Kennedy Jr, , he came to the office and I went to the lobby to shake his hand. Being a conservative most of my life, I wasn’t “blown away” by the Kennedy name so I confidently shook his hand. But when I SHOOK his hand.. his hand SHOOK ME! I felt a bolt of electricity run through me that was like OH My gosh.. this person HAS something! He looked me in the eyes and was so sincere, and as I spent more and more time with him, I came to understand that the electric charge that ran into me… was the PASSION that Bobby had bubbling out of HIM for the environment and for teaching people about the environment!
So after I met him and developed my little 5 minute crush, I went to the phones and basically called my top clients and told them. I promise you this: “You HAVE to book him. Do whatever you can to get your “offer” in, because I WILL book his whole schedule for the year.. THIS WEEK.” And I did. It was Friday night on the last day that I worked at Keppler Speakers, and the offers were still coming in, and I did what I said I’d do. I booked his WHOLE year full of dates.. in one week!
So HIS passion, inspired Me to take ACTION which allowed thousands of people across the US to be able to be further inspired by a man dedicated to his cause. According to the dictionary, Inspiration means: “Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.” And that is exactly what happened to me.
Why has it happened to me? I’m becoming more and more clear of my purpose in the world, to inspire people to live “Beyond their Stuff” and to be able to live with love and with health as they go about on their journey.
I also believe that being a part of a team like the BTS gals, who share their ideas, their thoughts, and even their dislikes nearly every day, continues to rub that creative spark that I have boiling in my own mind and body.
I believe that creative expression in the world is going to start happening at a faster and faster rate. Along with the stress that some people will feel, are the other people who understand how friction can create the genius to come out in all of us.
I choose to go the route of inspiration, creativity and joy… How about you? What do you choose?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fear of Failure and Other Stuff I Made Up - by Liimu
"you deserve that."
I leaped off the scale, surprised by the anger I heard in the small voice that broke the early morning silence of my downstairs bathroom. What the hell was that about? Was I really eating so that I'd see that number go up, because in some way I felt I deserved to see the number go up? Was I sabotaging myself, and if so, why?
I thought back to the previous weekend I'd spent with all my sisters flitting around me like

This morning, when I realized that I had fallen into my old trap of eating and regretting it, it was the first time I realized that it was tied into this feeling of being less than. Like no matter how much I succeed, I will never fully measure up. No matter how hard I work on my body, someone else will always be the beautiful one in the family. No matter how successful I am, someone else will always be the business mogul. No matter how my creative exploits take off, someone else will always be the intense creative one. This is why I drank, people. Because I felt like the only role that was left in my family was the role of the royal screw up. If I was going to be the best at something in my family, the only thing left was to be the biggest disappointment.
Now, I know today that is CRAP. I know that left to my own musings, I am pretty damned amazing, and getting more amazing with each passing day. I know this venture of Beyond the Stuff is on its way to impacting people positively on a global scale - to bring hope and encouragement to millions, that is what I have the power to do if I cast the negative thoughts aside like an annoying gnat buzzing through my field of vision. I know that I am no longer on a path of self-destruction. I'm on a path of enlightenment and beauty.
So, to those of you out there who have people in your life who make you feel small or cause you to question your own value (even if they don't say anything, sometimes old dynamics run deep), I say BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You always have the power to create your own internal script, you can be your own cheerleader. And when the voices that are making you feel small are your own, I offer you advice I got from one of my first sponsors: Say to the Committee in your head:
"Thank you for sharing. We're not gonna go there today. Maybe tomorrow. I'll get back to you."
And then go on about your business, the business of being FABULOUS.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a six year old, who happens to think I'm the most amazing woman who ever walked on this Earth.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Power of Silent Stuff - by Robin Gorman Newman
I had planned to get this done much earlier, but my day got away from me.
I can't complain. I do believe that things flow as they should, but it it did throw me off schedule.
I had a 10AM call planned to discuss a project for my moms venture,, and what I thought would be a 1/2 hour phone chat turned into 1.5 hours.
Then, my 90 year old dad with health challenges, called, and we discussed some alternative approaches he might explore for his ailments. (I'm always on the lookout for something that might help him to feel better.)
That put me behind in my plans to tackle various items on my To Do list.
Before I knew it, it was time to run out the door. I had an appointment for a private discussion/meditation session with a woman at an amazing place in town called Global Harmony House. It's a worldwide organization that teaches raj yoga meditation, which I embrace. It has changed my life, though I don't practice it nearly as I should.
But, a number of years ago, I had a major health scare, and through meditation, I was able to learn the benefits of silence. Going into myself to learn to trust my gut and to hear my inner voice. It gave me tremendous clarity and decision-making power.
I definitely need more of that. I'm feeling very indecisive and a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I'm in that racing the clock mode, and I don't like it.
I'm trying to make a few decisions re: projects to move forward with, and I'm getting all caught up in the details and it's making me feel somewhat stuck. I find that when I feel like I have too much on my plate, I just cannot think clearly.
I need to somehow take a step back and dwell less on all the minutia. It doesn't help to overthink a situation.
That is part of what we discussed in my meditation session today.
People are so busy and think way too much. We don't always allow ourselves to feel and just be. And, the more we think, the more we can get overwhelmed with thoughts that are self-defeating. We anticipate that something may seem harder than it would really be if we just tackled it. Even if that meant breaking it down into steps that make it more approachable for us.
But, why is it so hard to give yourself permission for some silence? I'm SO bad at allowing that for myself. And, then we wonder how we could be more joyful. If our brains are constantly on overdrive, we don't even know after awhile what does make us happy.
I am truly guilty of that.
And, in a fast paced city like NY, where I live, we are surrounded by noise and the desire for achievement.
At least I have the awareness of my behavior and attitude.
I will endeavor to stop and breathe more during the day. To get into a periodic mode of silence. To allow my creative juices to flow. To invite answers to come to me. And, to be grateful for all the exciting projects I am involved with...and for my health...loved ones.....etc.
I know that I will ultimately know what choices are best for me.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I already won the Lottery! by Kelly

So everyday… every single day (without exception), at some point in the day I find myself laughing while tears simultaneously roll down my face (how I also imagine my reaction will be when I win the lottery)… and then I discover again… that I have indeed already won the lottery.
I’m not sure when and I’m not sure exactly how… but somewhere along the way during the past 5 years through the seeming good and bad… I discovered something so incredible and something so wonderful---I truly feel like I’ve won the lottery every single day!
Now for those of you who know me well, you know my life has not been perfect… (because an extreme positive attitude like mine might inspire one who doesn’t know me to think my life has been extraordinarily easy). Many of you know I’ve lived through my own share of ups and downs, triumphs and tragedies much like everyone faces at some point in life… and in some cases more than most, and you know what?
As I grow to be more present in the moment, happy in whatever the day brings, and trusting that everything will work out to my benefit (even when sometimes in the moment it doesn’t appear that way), I’ve discovered there is always a positive way to look at things. There is always a way to adjust my perspective using a memory from a past event to ‘anchor’ my current thinking into powerful positive thoughts for my today and my future.
What I’ve noticed more and more each day is how these memories that pop up out of nowhere are really forms of true inner guidance sending reminders, affirmations (literally a trail of crumbs) which the Law of Attraction then uses to keep me on the path I know is the true destiny for me. We call these seeming coincidental moments, ‘synchronistic events’, both the new ‘in the moment’ occurrence, as well as any memories that come to your present moment experience that remind you to stay on path to your dreams.
These occurrences could be picking up a book, and it just happens to have an answer you need--and you just happened to open to the right page miraculously. Receiving a quote that is perfect for where you are THIS VERY day. A song you know well, that for some reason is right on target for your heart condition this very moment---and you know because you are moved emotionally. It could be a memory or the thought of an acquaintance that crosses your mind... right on cue for what you need in this moment (and you haven't thought of it or them in years).
As each day of 2009 unfolds, I'm experiencing MORE of these ‘synchronistic event’ moments than ever before. Miracles are flowing through the experience of people all around me; my own beliefs and feelings of well-being and purpose are stronger, deeper and more infused with unconditional love than at any other time in my life. I can literally feel the changes coming as my destiny unfolds around me. I feel it, I see it, I know it---and it is in perfect alignment with my dreams for me.
That’s exactly how the Law of Attraction works for everyone! By definition, Law of Attraction is nothing more that “that which is like unto itself is drawn”. Think good thoughts…receive more good thoughts that add to the total. Think negative thoughts… experience an influx of more negative thoughts. The most important thing to remember is that thoughts DO become things through YOUR vibrational alignment with the very thoughts you are thinking (your major thought patterns, emotions and intentions).
It takes only a small amount of self-discipline to choose your thoughts wisely, to catch yourself thinking or speaking thoughts that do not serve you or the universe or thinking thoughts that bring you the very desires of your heart. I say small of amount of discipline because as soon as you begin to think better thoughts, the Law of Attraction will step right up to assist you with more of the same! (of course, the opposite is also true---think negative thoughts and more of those will soon be at your door!)
When you sense the deeper truth revealed here, you realize you alone completely control your destiny by that which you do or do not believe is true for you. And when you really understand and practice focusing on what you DO want, you will be aware that you have already won the lottery of life indeed!
And by the way… regardless of any outcome or life circumstance, your continuing good thoughts will have you feeling better and better in every moment you are fortunate enough to live… and trust me, that’s a very good thing!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Synergistic Team Stuff.... at BTS! by Mary
We have an awesome team… la la la la la la!!!
I gotta say.. I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of this team of the Beyond the Stuff women!!! We are the coolest!!! We are so much fun!!! We are so great together!!! We are so supportive… and we’re just so…. So…. WOW… what are the words???
Okay, I sound like a blubbering idiot.. but it’s just because you gotta know how good it feels to really be a part of something and really feel like you fit in. To be a part of a team that flows so naturally and so synergistically, is just really a great feeling. To truly enjoy the people you work with…. And to be building a business together.. and to feel like your work really matters??? It’s just really cool!
Today, our BTS gals did a podcast.. and Robin was on deck. She discussed her current situation of her dad who is now 90 years old, and how their relationship has changed. He used to be able to care for her needs, and now she’s taking care of him. The difficulty of that situation alone is hard, but because Robin is such a giving person, she forgot to really take care of HER needs, and has ended up frustrated and out of steam. The BTS gals all took turns coaching Robin and challenging her, supporting her and encouraged her to take good care of herself, to set some boundaries around the situation and to get some others to make calls to keep him involved.
Now, what’s happening is really awesome. We’re all working together to build our radio show and now we have a bunch of agents who are interested in us. We also have this great opportunity do some other projects together. I can’t wait until we’re doing workshops for people all over the globe… to really support people to live fully and authentically!
The group is so incredibly powerful together, that I feel like it’s taken on a life of it’s own… that when one of us is busy the others pull the weight for the group and we’re all taking turns keeping this train rolling.. and in the meantime, more people are taking notice of our group.. and happily, we’re all willing to share our gifts with the world.
And from personal experience, and knowing them all as friends, that each one of these women have been a true gift to me… their friendships are real and their hearts are golden. They’re all amazing women, who joyfully share their spirits of goodness with each other and with those they encounter. I just know that all of heaven is rejoicing over this group that I believe God put together for a higher purpose… to entertain, to encourage, to help, to serve and to share…. And I just feel so honored to be a part of it.
Now I understand why all of the actors first thank God when they receive an award. It’s because they can’t believe their good fortune that has been bestowed upon them, and that they were able to get to work on a certain project, and then were recognized for the quality of their work.
I do feel like thanking God.. for the gift of these women, who all wanted to work with me and the others in the group, in creating a show, and a brand and to help each of us.. and all people Get Beyond The Stuff.
And I thank my sistahs.. at BTW.. and our “TG”, Bruce for being supportive and keeping us on our toes.., and our business advisor, Landon for your amazing wisdom, and for Sway, for being passionate and brilliant about our technology (and supportive of my involvement) … and lastly, to the friends who are cheering us on from the sidelines…
I hope all of us will grow by leaps and bounds… as we continue to learn to live… Beyond The Stuff!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Family Stuff - by Liimu
See, my family operated from a place of feeling like there wasn't enough - not enough food (leading to body image and food issues), not enough love (leading to codependency and love addiction issues), not enough money (leading to general feelings of financial insecurity, alternating with periods of wanton fiscal recklessness). I think this is why I really began to drink. I was always afraid there wasn't going to be enough, and I began drinking because it quieted the noise in my head around how afraid I was that there wasn't going to be enough, which eventually morphed into the BIG fear that somehow I wasn't ever going to be enough. I also drank from that place that fear of not having enough generated - the place of always wanting more. More food, more money, more love, more attention, more more MORE.
When I'm with my family, all that STUFF comes right back up to the surface. At one point yesterday, my three sisters went off to get lunch and dinner from Whole Foods. A sweet gesture, in and of itself and without all the background noise from our family history. In my crazy head, all I could think was, "Why did they leave without ME? Are they talking about me behind my back? How is it that I ended up left behind with the kids? Do they still not take me seriously as one of the adults?" Later that afternoon, one of my sisters suggested a prayer circle. When we were done, I suggested we all reveal to each other our deepest desires, so that we could pray for each other in the coming year. Patiently, I encouraged them each to share their deepest desires, and they did.
Right before it came to my turn, my sister's husband peeled around the corner and blazed up the driveway. (His son had gotten sick in the movie theater, and he had left the other five of our children behind in the theater with my 13 year old niece.) I realized before he had even turned off the car that there was no way he could have all the kids in the car, and so someone was back at the theater alone and without a grown up. My coat was on and the keys in my hand before I even had time to grieve the fact that yet again, I had put the deepest desires of my family before my own.
The happy ending to the story - all the children were safe and sound. And so was I. I am blessed to have developed a relationship with God and the Universe and many, many beautiful people in my life so that I know my deepest desires are taken care of. I choose to believe that this is why the Universe chose that moment to remove me from the prayer circle. It was a test of my faith in the Universe. A test of my willingness to receive all the deepest desires of the people in my family, without needing to give anything of mine at all.
In the past, my family has accused me of being selfish. Truth be told, I spent the entire day thinking of my family, what I could do for them, how I could serve them, what they might need to say, to do, to receive. I went from sitting in one sister's church listening to her sing, which I knew meant the world to her, to sitting with another sister, giving her my full attention as she explained the difficulties she'd been facing over the past few months, without sharing any of my own, to sitting in prayer circle with the three of them, receiving all their deepest desires without having to put mine on the table.

Because I'm good. I think I've finally grown up. And I can take care of myself and my family - old and new - with a whole lot of help from God and my friends.
Love you all,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Flying By the Seat of Your Pants Stuff - By Robin
After what happened here yesterday, I feel the need to switch gears.
A plane enroute to Charlotte from NY, US Airways, made an emergency landing in the Hudson River when a flock of birds hit the plane and caused severe engine trouble. I'm sure you heard about it on the news.
There were over 150 people on the plane, and no casualities resulted. The pilot is being heralded as a hero, and indeed he is.
Can you imagine how it must have felt being a passenger on that plane? I can't....I would have had my heart in my mouth.
When we had our recent Beyond the Stuff offsite meeting in South Carolina, I, in fact, flew on a US Airways flight to Charlotte. That could have been me on that plane.
How would I have reacted?
It's been getting huge television coverage here in NY, and probably worldwide. The glowingly positive end result is truly a miracle.
The pilot had decades of training behind him and immense skill to save all those lives. How do you thank someone for doing that? No doubt all survivors are celebrating big time, when it could have been so easily the opposite.
Life can sure be fragile.
But, where do you go from here? I'm curious to know how the passengers will feel about flying again? Not that I'm saying they should be scared or concerned. But, it can get you thinking.
A girl in my gym came in last night seriously rattled because she has an upcoming trip where she planned to fly, and now she doesn't want to go. She is supposed to go with her husband, and possibly children, but she feels like she wants to bail out. She doesn't want to project her fears on them, but she is insecure at the moment. It's interesting because she is a doctor, involved intimately on a daily basis with people's bodies and lives, and that doesn't phase her. Maybe it's a matter of control? She can control her actions in the operating room, but she's not a pilot. Anyone who flies places their life in the hands of the plane's pilot. And, we don't even get to meet him/her. Think about that. Would we have a doctor operate on us without meeting them, unless we were unconscious and it was an emergency?
This goes to show that much of what we do in life...decisions we make.....paths we follow....etc....are a true leap of faith. We can trust our guts to guide us, but we sometimes have to let go out of the outcome. We give our faith over to those who services we need to take care as best they can. And, that's all we can do under certain circumstances.
I'm just so happy for all the survivors of this plane incident. And, pray that after further investigation, they'll come up with a method of "bird control" so that perhaps this might be avoided in the future.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Are YOU Creating Castles? by Kelly

It’s as easy to create a castle as a button
--Esther Hicks
Sound strange? Incredible? Impossible?
It is, if you think it is!
It isn’t, if you know how to focus your thoughts and release your intentions into the universe---because when you do THAT, it IS as Easy to Create a Castle as a Button.
From the day she was born, Erica has acknowledged quite openly and quite insistently that she was born into the wrong family. Not wrong because she doesn’t love us or isn’t happy with her life (our family life). No, it is more about an inner feeling that she was meant to be a princess. That she is INDEED a real princess!
I have many fond memories from the earliest moments in her life when she would state she was sure she was a princess and didn’t understand why we didn’t live in a castle and why wasn’t I the Queen? “Mommy, I just don’t understand----I KNOW I’m a princess! Where's our castle? Where’s my throne? Why aren’t you the Queen? This is ALL wrong! I KNOW I'm a princess!"
As a very young mother (I was only 19 by 2 weeks when Erica was born), you can imagine I had no clue what to tell her although I totally LOVED her idea that she was a princess which meant I should be the Queen!
Here’s the thing… Erica never lost sight of that dream and always visioned she’d be married in a beautiful castle one day. And despite a life altering long-term illness (my former husband's brain cancer diagnosis with six months to live) that arrived just TWO days before my 17 year job ended, costs of which dwindled our funds to zero, 3 brain surgeries and 4 years later, she was married in a beautiful castle of her dreams… and it cost us almost nothing!
She believed, she dreamed, she focused and the Castle came about through a 'chance' drive by... Ahhhhhhhhhhh... I so love how this Universe of Abundance works!
That is the power of vibrational alignment with your dreams… Literally, the Law of Attraction in action! Think of what you want, believe you deserve and can have it, create an absolute expectation and then watch the path of the Universe open to fulfill your dream exactly as you vision it.
Erica then dreamed of going to Germany on an incredible castle tour---and out of nowhere the money showed up and in September 2007 our family lived that dream as well and viewed the many castles of King Ludwig (including the world famous Neuschwanstein—in picture below).
Guess what? Now Erica wants and visions touring all the world famous castles of France! In case you are wondering... I’m already packing my bags and notified our favorite tour guide that money would indeed be showing up for us to take that trip!
Create a Castle as Easy as a Button? With YOUR ability to focus ONLY on what you want, with unwavering belief and expectation… a feeling of FAITH enters the picture and when you can hold on to the certainty that faith provides… YOUR Castle is right around the corner! It has to be... It is LAW!
Now what do you REALLY want?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Clearing away the Stuff to Get to my Heart by Mary
A week ago I went to her home and she pulled out a baby book. I screamed for her, and we talked about her upcoming “miracle” of being pregnant. She has an older child but never was able to get pregnant again, and although she’s completely healthy and young, she wasn’t able to conceive.
Today, she texted me and told me she had a tubal pregnancy and they were taking her baby.
At the store, I found a peace plant, and found the perfect card at home that said, “May God bring you peace in this time of “sorrow”. I brought it over to her home, and when her husband answered the door, I gave it to him and the tears started. I told him they would be in my prayers and he thanked me in his sweet and soft spoken way. I could tell he was sad, and he shared with me that my friend wasn’t doing well.
I came home and cried. I cried for her and for the dream that was now gone for them. I cried because just yesterday she was so happy about the baby and for how their lives would change. And I cried for me… because I once had the same dreams of having more children, but that wasn’t meant to be. I believe God gives us what we can handle, and He must have known that me, not being overly domestic, and that he was giving me a very special child that I would need all sorts of time to learn about him and his special needs, decided to give me just one.
But still, I cried.
So, I decided to get still. I went to my room and got out my journal. I recorded things like what’s been going on… and what I needed to do. That quickly gave me a wake up call and sense of overwhelm about what needed to be done. My brain started going into overdrive… “I have to send invoices, clean my house, cook some veggies for the week, have my tail light fixed (the neighbor’s little girl accidently threw a rock and broke it recently!)
The list didn’t stop! I need to call several friends who need information about Orlando or Winter Park for moving here, and I need to get my mailing list and postcard ready to go out next week… etc.. So I asked my self a simple question:
“What does my heart want?”
That brought me still again! I searched and searched for the answer. I let my mind wander and considered the people who were important to me. I thought of all of their needs, and all of their struggles at the present. My son has a stiff neck, my husband has new work associates, my sister has so many projects, another dear friend has several issues at home, my parents are still concerned about their kids.. and so on and so on. Everyone has something. And how could I be a good friend to these people? This what was on my heart. I realized that all that matters…. Is love.
So, I prayed for them. I realize that they’re my priorities.. those closest to me… that my job here on earth first .. is to love those in my life. And also.. to love myself. It’s the golden rule… “love your neighbor as yourself”. It did bring me comfort.. and it simplified my life today.
I know that I can only do what I can do.. to love my family and myself… so I’m starting with my home.. and doing what NEEDS to be done there.. and then I’ll make my business my priority.. and get done what NEEDS to get done. Everything else will have to wait.
What about you? Do you ever have the sense of overwhelm? Do you look at your desk and realize you absolutely can not get it all done… no matter what? Do you listen to the needs of your kids.. and your spouse and those at work who are calling for your time and attention?
We all have too much on our plate these days.. yet we all only have a limited amount of time. We have to consider what is the best use of our time, and sub the other stuff out to those who are better at it than we are.
Try going to your heart.. and finding the answer.. It will prove to give you the right answer.. every time!
I wrote this yesterday.. and the rest of the day I was so incredibly quiet.. and spent the day cooking and cleaning and with my son.. teaching him how to juice and shred cabbage, etc. I had candles all throughout the house and had classical music playing all afternoon. We never once turned on the TV and we just spent time together enjoying one another. I didn't talk on the phone all day, and just worked by email. I needed the quiet.. and it really was exactly what my soul needed so today I felt refreshed and back in the saddle.
Sometimes, all we need.. is to be quiet.... and to accept and to cherish it as a gift.
When You Believe, Part Two - By Liimu
Monday, January 12, 2009
Gratitude - by Liimu
Fortunately, the Universe also gave me a very good recent example of something I have to be hugely grateful for - not only the resolution to a scary situation, but also these lovely women in my life, one of whom was instrumental in guiding me around how to use the Law of Attraction to attract a miraculous solution to my problem.
Now, I am a big believer in the Laws of Attraction. I have been since I read The Secret in August of 2007 and completely recreated my life, beginning with a stint on NBC's Clash of the Choirs and followed up by quitting my yucky job and launching a successful consulting company. But sometimes the Universe presents situations that, on the surface, are so unmanageable, it's hard for even those of us who believe in the Law of Attraction to harness its power and not let our own fears sabotage us right into a really deep hole.
On my blog, Recreating Liimu, I posted about that tested my faith in this Law. For those of you who missed it, here's a quote that post that pretty much sums up the situation:
"I had a challenging situation today when our insurance company informed us that they would not be covering Devon's oral surgery from last November and the total charges were close to $16,000. I will not freak out, and I ask that all who read this send positive, miracle-generating vibes into the Universe that this will be resolved in a miraculous way. The oral surgeon certainly never told us it could be anything close to that amount, so my hope is that they will be reasonable and charge us a reasonable amount for his work. I know my faith is strong and I have so much belief in the miraculous, positive, abundant workings of the Universe."
Our very own Kelly reminded me that writing about what we intend to have happen when we are facing a situation is what is most powerful, so I wrote in my journal that I wanted everything to be resolved and the debt to be wiped clean.
The following morning, I got a call from the dentist's office. It went like this.
"Oh, sweetie," the young lady from the office said, with concern and compassion in her voice. "I got your message last night and my heart just went out to you." My voice was shaking even as I answered her.
"Yes, we're pretty freaked out," I stammered. "What are we going to do?"
"You don't have to do anything," she said, reassuringly. "We are going to take care of it, like we said we would."
"But Aetna said it was going to cost $15,000," I weeped.
"Yes, and we knew they most likely would not cover any of it, but we submitted to them, anyway, on the off chance they would cover something. And we also knew we could count on your copay ($250). It must have really scared you to get that letter. Unfortunately that is sort of standard for that to get sent out, but I assure you, we were prepared to take whatever we got from them..."
"...even if that's nothing?" I couldn't help but interrupt.
"Yes, even if that's nothing. You are totally fine. You are good. Everything is taken care of."
A miracle, just like Kelly told me it would be. And when I got off the phone, I burst into tears, not just from relief at this particular situation being resolved, but because the situation affirmed what I wanted so much to believe: that the Law of Attraction is real. I have so many things I intend to have happen this year and if the Law of Attraction is real, then these things are already taken care of. I have released into the Universe the what, and the How and When are not my concern.
So today, when I was feeling blah and sorry for myself for no particular reason, the Universe reminded me of this wonderful miracle and how much I have to be grateful for. Kelly reminded me on the phone. My therapist and friend, Susan, reminded me in our session today. And when I got in the car to come home and see my beautiful family, I turned on the radio and Hezekiah Walker's "Grateful" was playing on the radio:
I am grateful for the things that You have done
I am grateful for the victories we've won
I could go on and on about your works
Because I'm grateful, grateful so grateful just to praise You Lord
Flowing from my heart are the issues of my heart, is gratefulness
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Grateful, grateful, grateful
Gratefulness is flowing from my heart
Flowing from my heart
Are the issues of my heart
is gratefulness
Saturday, January 10, 2009
When You Believe... by Kelly
I knew that 2009 would be the beginning of the realization of the HUGE changes I want in my life and the very MIRACLES I’ve been dreaming of, believing in and expecting...
I even knew that it would begin right away and from December 31st straight through to today, it has been one revelation after another, miracles big and small… people getting what they want (even in the face of adversity).
Some of those people are our very own BTS Gals--and I won’t spoil their stories should they be planning to blog about them this week. And yet, I cannot wait another moment to express to the universe in writing my gratitude, appreciation, and recognition of how everything all around me, AND through their miracles--- is flowing together… perfectly for the fruition of the dreams I have for me.
So what I will share with you is that my passion in life has most often been about helping, loving and caring for others. I was born with a crazy, wonderfully optimistic Pollyanna disposition and I do see the good in every thing there is, and when I can’t for ANY reason, I focus on it until I can. I’ve lived through many, many unbelievable (and often seeming tragic) life situations that most people have no idea of… and yet I’ve found a way through them and in hindsight BOTH to see the tremendous good that was always there for me from the beginning in every single moment.
This past year for me, has been one of extreme inner personal growth. By conscious choice I took an entire year off (for the most part) just to focus on me, my dreams, my goals and aspirations. I’ve spent extraordinary amounts of time just ‘being’. And with each new day a door has opened and a new enlightenment was revealed that moved me further on the path to my dreams.
This week has begun ripening the fruit of all the time, study and practice I’ve spent.
Fruit you ask? Yes, the fruit of Miracles! This week, both Liimu and Leslie experienced extreme miracles on different topics---and both were exactly what then WANTED and NEEDED at exactly the right time.
Know how they did it? It was 3 simple steps really. First, they were able to focus their thoughts on “What do I want? What am I desiring?, and then with some conversation and encouragement, they added Step 2… the belief step! They both in conversation and inner thought began believing that they could experience the miracle they want! And Third, they put themselves in a place of expectation by talking about and discussing other times they’d received a miracle… and listening to others share theirs. If there was any inner doubt of their worthiness or ability, it was put to rest right then and there and you know why?
A desire, plus belief with added expectation equals FAITH… and nothing can stop FAITH!!
So what does this have to do with you or me and my dreams? For me (obviously) this is the GREATEST gift of all! My time this year, my meditation, my focus has been centered completely on how I could help others learn and grow in ways that would help them achieve their miracles and the dreams they are desiring.
Desire plus Belief plus Expectation equals Faith… And Faith Always Brings the Miracle!
The song below came to me in the middle of all these miraculous happenings this week and I could in my mind’s eye hear our very own Liimu belting out the lyrics every bit as wonderfully as Mariah and Whitney.
To that end: I dedicate this song to All The BTS Gals and anyone who believes or is out there just wishing they could, this song is sent with tears of love and encouragement, just for YOU…
When You Believe!
Whitney Houston with Mariah Carey
Many nights we've prayed
Friday, January 9, 2009
Cold Stuff - by Robin
Just kidding....(or maybe I should explore it? Hmmmm....)
I'm referring to what feels like the longest running cold/virus in history. I have it. I've been drinking tea and blowing my nose for what feels like forever. And, I'm not alone. I know a number of people who are sick and having trouble shaking the various viral strains going around this winter. What fun!
I've been plagued with this for over a month now, and finally bit the bullet at the urging of two friends, and saw the ENT doctor who after gliding some tube down my nostril (not pleasant) , said something about a second set of tonsils I have. Who knew?! I had my first set out as a kid, I told him, thinking he was making some kind of mistake. He wasn't.....
Luckily he wasn't suggesting these come out, but I did require anbitiotic. Today is day 5..the final day...and I'll be glad to be done with it. It upset my stomach.
In general I'm still not feeling great. And, it's also that time of the month (if you know what I mean) it's like I've been hit with a double whammy, so to speak. It feels like so long since I've felt really good.
Yesterday it was getting me in a bit of a funk. I was missing my mom, since I was craving some nurturing. A couple of friends gave me a buzz, which was nice, and it felt like a "hug" on the phone, which I needed. I was feeling vulnerable and wanted to just curl up in bed.
I know "this too shall pass" (thankfully), as my beloved mom used to say, but I'm getting anxious.
I watched the Barbara Walters tv special the other night that focused on Patrick Swayze, the actor, and the fight of his life with pancreatic cancer. It was a tough thing to see before going to bed, and I probably shouldn't have, but it made me realize how important good health is and how we should try to practice it every day to the best of our ability. Sickness may still strike, but for example, Swayze is a smoker, and they said there is a link to pancreatic cancer from smoking.
We all have our vices, I realize, but we can try to help ourselves.
That said, I'm going to end this blog post, and go take my vitamins and drink more tea before my day gets away from me and I don't do it. It's so easy to get caught up in life. If we don't practice self care, it won't happen for us. So go to it! (I need another tissue.....) :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happiness is... By Kelly
Well that is how I occasionally wake up and today just happened to be one of those days… in my first moment of awareness of this, I made a decision to just breathe for a few and started thinking of things I like.
It wasn’t too long before something from the past popped into my mind. Remember in the 70’s (for those who were around then!) the ‘Happiness is…’ slogans? Well as soon as that came to mind, I was filled with good thoughts of what Happiness is to ME… and in less than 5 minutes, I was ‘right as rain’ as they say! I hope you enjoy my list and will add a few of your own!
Happiness is… acceptance of my life exactly as it is today and how it is in every single moment!
Happiness is… focusing my thoughts and intentions on how I’d like things to go as the day moves forward with a wonderful acceptance that things will go ‘exactly’ as they are meant to---and that’s okay.
Happiness is… the sun as it shines through my window and reminds me ‘all is well’ in the world---another day has begun and I am once again lucky enough to live it!
Happiness is… knowing my existence matters in the scheme of things and that everything happens for a reason and that reason serves me.
Happiness is… my steamy hot morning cup of tea!
Happiness is… the joy I feel inside when I remember WHO I really am!
Happiness is... the way I feel inside about trees, clouds, birds and their morning songs, and the Abundant Universe evident in nature all around me!
Happiness is… Personal Freedom! Freedom in each moment to choose my thoughts, feelings and intentions---knowing every other person has that same ability and right at their disposal in every moment.
Happiness is… the way wonderfully soft materials (like my fleece sheets or that furry coat above!) feel in my hands when I touch them!
Happiness is… knowing today I will have the opportunity to give unconditional love to another human being… and knowing there will be those who will share theirs with me.
Happiness is… saying ‘Good Morning’ to my baby kitty everyday!
Happiness is… growing, learning, changing, accepting and loving the journey I call My Life!
What about you? Happiness is… ??? What thoughts bring happiness about in your inner world? Take a few minutes and start your day off with a few of your own and watch how things change!
Happiness is… getting to share my good morning thoughts with YOU!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Stuff at Beyond the Stuff by Mary
But what happened was so miraculous.. and it’s why this group of women is so special. There is just something magical about this group… that we’re able to be transparent and open and authentic, and that has created a strong bond with one another.
When I came to the call today, I listened to the women talk about some exciting things and miracles that were being created in their lives. At the end of those conversations, I thanked the women for sharing, and that I needed to hear that sort of enthusiasm today, because I personally wasn’t in that sort of place. I had a somewhat difficult morning, and needed to hear about “the law of attraction” and to expect miracles in my life.
After hearing the stories, I felt even more certain that the country needs to hear these types of stories more often.. of regular every day, blow your mind away miracles!
Then, when we got down to business…, one of us brought up a rather sensitive issue with the others and each one of us took time to hear the concern, and the reasons, and then we all shared what our response was to the subject. There were subjects that we touched upon that took courage for us to discuss, but each of us bared our souls and shared from our hearts.
Afterwards, we were all practically singing in unison over the conversation that had taken place. We all agreed that we needed to process this topic and discuss it.
We all agreed that we’re all strong. Each and every one of us has had a very strong career and although we’ve had our ups and downs, we’ve learned a lot along the way and we’re dedicated to sharing this wisdom with others as we go along our individual paths. We all know however, that we’re great as a group. We all have each others back and can uplift each other when the others are down.
Thank you to my “sistahs” of Beyond the Stuff. You’re just what I needed today .. and every day!!!
You’re Awesome and I love ya’ll too!!!
And life is so much more fun.. living Beyond the Stuff!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Magnificent Stuff - by Liimu
The basic gist of my morning meditation, which was from Doreen Virtue's Messages From Your Angels, was that we are all magnificent in the eyes of the Universe and so the only reflection of us that is true is one that holds us in that light.
This past Thanksgiving, I was struggling with the weight of all the "shoulds" in my life around how and with whom I should spend the holiday, and my dear friend and spiritual advisor, Barbara, suggested I simply surround myself with people who "enhance my magnificence." That idea has stuck with me and has made it that much more simple for me to decide who I choose to spend time with during the holidays or any time of year.
I ate like a little piggy last week while I was in Florida with my daughters, and my friend who was with me and I spent many conversations mulling over why it is that we were choosing to eat so poorly during our week together. I'm sure many of you have had similar conversations:
Me: Ugh. I feel like a little piggy.
Her: Me, too. I really didn't need to eat that last piece of pizza.
Me: I am so going to have to run an extra 30 minutes on the treadmill tomorrow.
Her: And lift an extra 8000 pounds. Are you gonna eat that cake?
Note: This conversation really never happened and is an entirely fictitious example. Really. No, really.
When I got home, I was just stuffing the last of a huge chicken stromboli in my pie hole when I got a call from Tony, founder of Dreambodies and my personal online trainer. I quickly offered to go get the milk from Wawa and bundled up into my car so I could sneak in a return phone call from the one person I knew could not only get me out of my slump but could do so all while enhancing my magnificence.
We talked for about 20 minutes, and during the conversation he casually reassured me that I would, in fact, one day be at a pace (140 lbs and RIPPED...hahaha) where I could loosen the reins a bit and not get sent into a total tailspin. But neither my body NOR my mind is there right now.
"I'm not worried about you, though, Li," he said gently. "I'm fully aware that this is your year. This is your time to shine. And you will not only achieve your goals, you will inspire thousands of others to do the same." And to hear those words coming from a man who has certainly done that himself, it didn't feel like he was just blowing smoke. It felt like he was stoking a fire.
And that, my friends, is what enhancing someone's magnificence is all about.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Simple Stuff by Mary
We just got home from vacation and it was a fun filled week with many of our best friends. Truly, truly, there is nothing better than spending time with people that you love. There is always lots of laughter and fun, and even in the tense moments between the kids.. and there were a lot of those… it gets resolved and everyone moves on.
Finding and nurturing close relationships with others isn’t super easy when everyone is involved with the intricacies of life. Managing families, sports, school, businesses, relationships and everything else we have to all do takes its toll on most of us… so to get to spend some down time just kicking back, was such a joy and so refreshing.
I’ve heard that the happiest people studied are those who spend the most time with family and friends. It’s not about the money they have or the house they own or the cars they drive. It’s the simple things, of spending time with those that they love.
When I review my life, I have to say that it’s the relationships in my life that I feel most grateful. I was always blessed to find really quality friends along the way. My mom taught me long ago to pray for good friends, and that little suggestion has made a world of difference in my life.
Food and friends.. that’s the simple formula to having a great time! Grab a bottle of vino, a couple of ripe and sweet, juicy mangos and some delicious Irish cheese, and you have a wonderful meal to keep people content and talking and laughing.
It’s the simple stuff I’m going for this year…… Food, family and FUN!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Not Enough Fun Stuff - by Robin

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Kindness... A Great Word for a Great New Year by Kelly

Take a moment and just think about what that word means to you… Kindness!
To me it very often means Walmart! Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, so let me explain.
I was just there the other day with my daughter, Erica, and it was crowded and people were busy and as is always the case for me, I find someone there who just needs a little ‘extra’ love… a small piece of kindness.
That day, it was the checkout girl… who was doing her job quite efficiently and yet if anyone took the time to notice, there was such a mindless look of unhappiness about her… not a glimmer of a smile… just spending time. Immediately, my heartstrings were tugged and I took extra interest in her and asked questions, as we chatted, I smiled and beamed the energy of love all focused intentionally on her… and was gifted to watch anew what happens when kindness for another (in any form) is the intention of any moment.
Kindness is so interesting because its affects are far more reaching than it might appear on the surface (looking only at the simple act itself). I believe kindness and acts of kindness literally and physically change people!
That day at Walmart, I was uplifted with joy at having shared a moment of care with a total stranger. The checkout girl’s entire aura was changed and I’ll never forget her joyful countenance, huge smile and good wishes for a Happy New Year as we left! The bigger surprise was how the kindness also affected my daughter, who witnessed the whole thing… she, too, was uplifted and radiating joy as we left the store.
I’ve recently read that acts of kindness (the giving, the receiving, even the witnessing) literally change (elevate) the serotonin levels for good in the human body---and it strengthens the immune system---even the observer’s serotonin levels are elevated when they witness an act of kindness!
Think about that wonderful movie, Pay It Forward (where the boy’s idea is to do a kindness for another, that can only be repaid by ‘paying it forward’ to someone else who is in need). Watch that movie--especially the part when the boy spells out how the whole plan works--and TRY NOT to cry tears of joy how something so simple as kindness can do so much universal good! When I watch it, I can FEEL a physical change that beckons me to find ways to be kind to others.
How can we do it? That’s the best part of all!
An Act of Kindness can be ANYTHING!
It’s a big joyous smile that is everyone’s gift to give! It can be the gift of time (even a few minutes) spent in conversation with one who is lonely. It can be paying the toll for the person behind you at the toll plaza. It can be choosing to smile when someone cuts you off in traffic and wishing them Godspeed as they are in a hurry! It can be treating you, YOURSELF, with loving kindness. It can be just living a joyous attitude that spreads to everyone you meet.
That’s the Beauty of Kindness---it can be anything, done anywhere, for anyone, at any time!
And the Power of Kindness? Just a simple act of faith with far reaching magnificent rewards whose end you’ll most likely never see or know---and ALL at no cost to you or anyone!
And it all begins when you See Yourself As Love in Action!
“To work with love… is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart even as if your beloved (the recipient) were to wear that cloth."
-Kahlil Gibran
Happy New Year with all the kindness and love I can share!